The Classical Association of New England

CANE is a membership organization open to all those with an interest in the languages, history, cultures, and literature of the ancient and medieval Mediterranean world, as well as their reception around the globe and into modern times.

Updates from CANE

What We Offer


CANE offers a number of scholarships and grants for teachers, students, and faculty members, including grants for classroom materials and travel. Don't forget to check back often for deadlines; many occur during the Fall and Winter.


In addition to CANE's Summer Institute and the Annual Meeting of CANE's membership, CANE runs a number of events throughout the year. Keep an eye on our blog and subscribe to our newsletter for all of the latest about events!


CANE offers a number of resources for teachers and scholars, including Loeb and JSTOR access, teaching materials collected by retired educators and CANE blog authors, and more! See what a CANE membership can do for you.


CANE Annual Meeting attendees in an auditorium

CANE Summer Institute

The Classical Association of New England Summer Institute brings together students, educators, and lifelong learners for an intensive week of lectures, mini-courses, reading groups, professional development workshops, and special events. Each institute considers the literature, history, and arts of the ancient Greeks and Romans — and how we engage with those cultures today.

CANE Annual Meeting group photograph

Annual Meeting

CANE’s Annual Meeting is an opportunity to learn from and interact with colleagues from across New England and beyond. Spanning two days, the meeting allows educators from schools, colleges, and universities to gather, network, and socialize, while sharing best practices about teaching and learning, and presenting cutting edge research from many fields of the ancient world.  The Annual Meeting is open to all CANE members. 

Student Writing Contest

The CANE Writing Contest is an annual event open to students taking Latin, Greek, or Classics in New England middle and high schools. Prizes are awarded to top contenders on the state and regional level. Submissions are sent to the appropriate state representative for CANE.

Browse CANE Resources

Registration is open for the Annual Meeting at Yale University from March 21-22, 2025.