Teaching Resources

Observations from a First Year Teacher

Today’s guest post is from Michael Hoffman, who is just about to finish his first year teaching in Groton-Dunstable Regional High School in Massachusetts. I

Lead, Technology, and Food–Links for 1 May

A few interesting articles about Lead in Ancient Roman Water. Building a Cross-curricular Latin program using technology! Papyri tell interesting tales of foods… Archaeology drones

The Epic History Timeline

For some reason, I have found that whenever I get my upper level students, they have no historical context for what we are reading.  This

CANE 2014 Meeting Highlights

ver appropinquat, and that means that convention season is upon us! The annual meeting just happened, NECTFL is swiftly approaching, and the summer brings the

Conferences: Why We Need to Care

Last weekend, I attended SALVI’s Biduum Virginianum.  As we sat around dinner talking on Friday night, one of the participants mentioned that he was going