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New Year’s Resolutions
If you are like Andrea Marcolongo, perhaps you consider learning Ancient Greek “the longest and most beautiful romance of my life.” If you are like
Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships
The Society for Classical Studies Committee on Diversity in the Profession (CODIP) announces the Frank M. Snowden Jr. Undergraduate Scholarships. CODIP invites applications from undergraduate
Look forward to the New Year with the Emporium Romanum
It is almost the New Year! What a perfect time to celebrate with one of CANE’s Janus items! Choose a Janus blank journal or a
Two Roman Goddesses- A Fasti Commentary
CANE Press has many commentaries of Latin texts that you might not find elsewhere. One such example is Amanda Wall’s Two Roman Goddesses, which presents
12 Days of Christmas
What to do when the students are anxious for winter break? Here is a powerpoint of the 12 Days of Christmas, using pictures and the
Ovid started the trend
Over the last five years or so, novels retelling classic myths from a new perspective has become trendy. Whenever I walk into my local independent