Look forward to the New Year with the Emporium Romanum

It is almost the New Year! What a perfect time to celebrate with one of CANE’s Janus items! 

Choose a Janus blank journal or a Janus accessories bag!  Add a set of Janus ceramic coasters or a Janus mug to your collection!  

One of our several journals features the Latin “Respice, Adspice, Prospice” above a Janus coin. What a perfect place to record memories, activities, and those New Year’s resolutions!  Don’t forget that journals make great holiday gifts, too!

At the new Emporium Romanum, we have more than 360 items featuring a variety of classical designs. We hope you will take a look!  We think you will enjoy the browse.

More from the CANE blog

Links for 4 July

An NPR book review about Alice Kober and the decipherment of Linear B. (via @cortsims) A piece in support of requiring English to Latin on

Thursday Resource: SORGLL

If you want to listen to Latin (and Greek) read in restored pronunciation, the SORGLL (Society for the Oral Reading of Greek and Latin Literature)