Review Game "Battleship!"
So, if you’re like me, you’re always looking for fun ways to review material, especially grammar. My students LOVE to play Battleship. This works especially well for verbs and prepositions, but can be adapted for anything.
First, you make a board that looks something like this:
(6 rows, 8 columns, paper in landscape layout)
With | Through | Away From | To, Towards | In, On | Into, Onto | Without | After
Country house
This one is obviously set up for prepositions, but, like I said, you can change it to work for verbs too. (Pronouns for the rows, verbs for the columns…you can even change tenses and voices! This is particularly awesome for actives and passives.)
The rules look like this:
Certamen Navale
(Battleship, in Latin!)
1) Set up your ships. No diagonal or overlapping ships!! Check them off as you draw them:
___ Ship 1 takes up 5 squares
___ Ship 2 takes up 4 squares
___ Ship 3 takes up 4 squares
___ Ship 4 takes up 3 squares
___ Ship 5 takes up 3 squares
___ Ship 6 takes up 2 squares
2) Take turns asking for the location of the ships. Ask by saying the (person/preposition) (I, you, etc…) and the correct form of the (verb/noun) (Example: Ego Portabar would hit “I was being carried” and “In villam” would hit “into/onto the house”)
3) If you have a ship parked in that spot, say “hit.”
4) If you do not have a ship parked there OR your partner is incorrect say “miss.”
5) Don’t forget to track where your partner’s ships are!
And don’t forget: “Demersisti meam navem longam!” = “You sunk my battleship!”
What review games do you like to play?