Dictionaries, Dying Gauls, and December's Divers Delights…
Here are some of the more interesting or unusual things we’ve found on the web this week!
- A Latin blog from France, in Aversa Charta, is a tiny treasure trove of simple Latin stories and illustrated projects your students would love.
- Gregorius Clavus’s Conversational Latin Bloghas a long list of useful conversational phrase taken from Cicero, Plautus, Terence, Erasmus, Commenius, and more.
- The Telegraph has a story about the completion of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources after a century of work!
- The Washington Post has an article about the visit of the Dying Gaul to the National Gallery of Art.
- and finally, some Brits in Chester are planning a big Saturnalia bash and the local paper has it covered!