Scholarships and grants
If your resolutions include travel, new classroom projects, or higher levels of certification, there are scholarships and grants available to help you.
For travel:
All links are to the pdfs that you would need to apply for the scholarships.
The CANE Certification Scholarship gives “up to $1500 to an outstanding junior or senior undergraduate in New England who is preparing for secondary-school certification as a teacher of Latin or Greek or both in one or more of the New England states, or to the holder of a Master’s degree to cover the cost of tuition and other fees required to obtain such certification.” Deadline is 1 February.
The CANE Cornelia Catlin Coulter Scholarship “is an award of $6000 for study at the Summer Session of the School of Classical Studies at the American Academy in Rome.” Deadline is 1 February.
The CANE Endowment Scholarship “is an award of up to $5100 for summer study normally at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens or at places other than the American Academy in Rome.” Deadline is 1 February.
The MaFLA/CAM Batting Scholarship offers $500 for travel or a project. The deadline for submissions is usually at the end of March.
For attending the CANE Annual meeting:
The Finnegan-Plante “will grant $150 to first time attendees who are members of CANE and whose schools do not cover their costs. To apply, email a letter to Ruth Breindel ( and Donna Lyons ( stating that you are a member, a first time attendee at the Annual Meeting and that you are not receiving any subvention for the conference. The money is awarded on a first come-first serve basis.”
For projects:
CANE Discretionary grants “are available for: Classroom projects for teaching of the Classics at all levels; Research or Creative Writing projects in the Classics which can be used to enhance the teaching of the classics; Materials such as slides, videos, or computer software to further the teaching of the Classics.
Applications are open to residents of New England and to students in New England. Applicants need not be members of CANE, though membership is and will be strongly encouraged. Four grant deadlines for Discretionary Grants fall on 1 October, 1 December, 1 February, and 1 May, but applications may be submitted at any time. To apply, please forward by e-mail a full description of your project, including costs and the specific project components for which funds are requested to the immediate past president of CANE.”
CANE Educational Programs “Members of CANE are invited to apply for modest funds to support educational programs to promote the study of Classical languages and history. Past funds have been used by state organizations to support annual meetings or workshops.”