Daily Archives: January 20, 2013

Links for the Week of 20 January

The deadline to apply for the American Academy in Rome Classical Summer School has been extended to 31 January and there are still funding opportunities available for secondary teachers: http://aarome.org/apply/summer-programs-0
Only a few spaces remain in the free CAM workshop on Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Teaching Latin on 9 February: http://www.massclass.org/index.php/archives/309
Finds from the drains of Roman bath houses tell us what people wore and what they did there: http://www.livescience.com/26202-drain-lost-items-roman-baths.html (via @Nihil_Novi_Net)
A portrait of a Roman man buried in Roman Britain has been produced using Roman artistic conventions: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-21009520 (via @DHSBClassics)
A collection of bibliographies on Roman topics: http://cnx.org/content/col11220/latest/ (via @apaclassics and @iota_subscript)
An argument for teaching Latin: http://comingofageinthemiddle.blogspot.ca/2012/12/verbatim.html (via @quinnkl and @rogueclassicist)
Treasure that was buried to save it from invading Romans has been found: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/2-000-old-treasure-discovered-black-sea-fortress-151425299.html (via @quinnkl)
Comparison of the walls of Rome: http://nolli.uoregon.edu/wallsOfRome.html (via @SarahEBond)
Amazing interactive timeline of Greek and Roman history and literature: http://learninglatin.altervista.org/chrono/chronology.html?l=eng (via @rogueclassicist)