Daily Archives: February 17, 2013

Links for the Week of 17 February

Summer Opportunities

Call for applicants for archaeological opportunities near Vesuvius: http://www.apollineproject.org/dig.html
Study Greek or the Ancient World in Athens: http://www.norwinst.gr/uk/greek-studies-on-site-summer-2013.html (via @Horatiana)
AIRC Field School: http://saverome.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/applications-open-archaeology-field-school-2013/ (via @AIRomanCulture)
AIRC Programs to learn Latin and learn about Rome for high school and college students: http://romanculture.org/page/summer-programs via @AIRomanCulture)


Naming the moons of Pluto: http://www.plutorocks.com (via @bretmulligan and @TheIrisProject)

Call for Papers

Digital Classics London is looking for papers; abstracts due by 22 March: http://www.stoa.org/archives/1647 (via @palaeofuturist)

Latin in the News

Links to video and transcript of the Pope’s resignation, with an article about the reporter who knew Latin: http://saverome.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/how-latin-and-twitter-helped-a-journalist/ (via @SaveRome and @NorRJ23)


Lacus Curtius is putting all of Caesar online: http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Caesar/home.html (via @LacusCurtius)


Lead bread stamp: http://aroundchester.blogspot.com/2013/02/roman-lead-bread-stamp.html (via @jntribolo)


Reconstructions of Romantic Roma artifacts: http://flavias.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/romantic-ten-roman-artifacts.html