What's In Your Teaching Bag, Emily? 2
Greetings once again!
I wish I had a picture of my crazy bag! Unfortunately, I am in the process of moving, and my Owl-Bag remains packed. But I remember what I keep in it…
Bubo the Owl: I have an owl who can serve many purposes. She has been a fantastic direct object, and a great toss-ball. (When we practice a grammar point, I throw Bubo around the room and ask for specific pieces of grammar.)
The Golden Snitch Ball: Another great toss-ball. The students love them both. Gives a very Hogwarts feel to the classroom.
My iPad and relevant power cords/connectors: My iPad has been appropriately named Alesia by my students. (Why Alesia? I don’t know either.) Alesia the iPad is full of Latin apps and other fun educational tools for my classroom. Often, it is used when I need to project a text on the board. I use the app Evernote to make notes about how class went and keep a teaching notebook. Also, the app ClassDojo is fantastic for making private notes about student performance. And of course, never underestimate the power of the Edmodo App!
Pencil Case: 2 Purple Pens (for writing passes), my new purple fountain pen for grading, 2 blue pens (for other notes), USB flashdrive, 1 pad of yellow post-its, and 1 pad of purple post-its.
Moleskine notebooks: I have 2–1 small and 1 large. The small one is used for Latin Club business, while the large one is used for teaching and school-related notes.
Class folders: I have color-coordinated folders for each class, in which I keep work to be graded and returned. On the front of each folder, I keep a post-it note of who needs to turn in the assignment/take the quiz.
Color-coordinated Popsicle sticks: Each Popsicle stick has a student’s name. I shuffle them up to call on students, put them out to show where new seats are, and all sorts of other thing. Each class is held together with a rubber-band of the same color.
Teaching Binder: My purple binder with attendance lists and paper version of my gradebook.
Hey there, what’s in YOUR teaching bag? What cool things do you have that I don’t? Share some of your bag with us!