More Coins – Links for 7 May
In honor of my Feature Post this week on Roman coins, I present to you a veritable treasure of links that you may find interesting!
The blog of the American Numismatic Society. They’re looking to hire someone to digitize their collections, as an aside, if you’re looking for work.
The Online Coins of the Roman Empire project, a searchable database with currently over 22,000 coins from museums around the world.
MANTIS – an online database of the coins from the American Numismatic Society, including Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Medieval era coins.
Boston MFA’s newly designed Michael C. Ruettger’s Gallery now has an iOS app that shows you all the coins in the collection and allows high-resolution zooming!
A very thorough and detailed site with lots of examples and also Imperial sculpture organized by Emperor to compare with images on coins.
I’m not sure of the ultimate source on this, but Sarah Bond provides great image to use with students to show what money meant to the average person.
Scroll down to get a table of money values and an image showing examples of all the different kinds of denominations side-by-side.