Monthly Archives: August 2020

“Virtually Unprepared: Best Practices for Remote & Hybrid Teaching”

We are thrilled to announce the opening event of CANE’s “Virtually Unprepared: Best Practices for Remote & Hybrid Teaching” speaker series! Dr. Robert Patrick will give a presentation on building community in a virtual classroom on Thursday, September 10 at 7 pm ET.
See the poster linked below for details and registration.

Obituary of Allan Wooley

Allan D. Wooley, passed away at his home in Morgan, Vermont, on Saturday, August 22, 2020.  A gathering of family and friends bid him farewell at a cemetery near Morgan on Friday, August 28. Al’s contribution to CANE was steadfast and varied. He was our President in 1990 and Secretary from 1994 to 1998. Between 1970 and 1999 he presented seven papers at the CANE Annual Meeting on Plato, Virgil, and Cicero.  CANE honored him with the Barlow-Beach Distinguished Service Award in 1999.  As an early computer expert he was for several years the master of the CANE webpage.  Al was an admired student of Norman Hatch at Phillips Exeter and Nate Dane at Bowdoin.  At Princeton he earned the Ph.D. in 1962 with a dissertation on ΑΝΑΓΚΗ.  After teaching at Duke University until 1967, he returned to Exeter where he taught Greek and Latin and computer programing with distinction until his retirement.  A brief obituary may be found at . I hope to offer an expanded memorial at the next Annual Meeting of CANE.   Z. Philip Ambrose, Professor Emeritus, The University of Vermont

For a photo of Al and further honors see also