January 15th
Deadlines to apply for several CANE scholarships, including the Certification Scholarship, the Coulter Scholarship, the Endowment Scholarship, and the Poggioli Scholarship.
February 1st is the deadline to apply for CANE Discretionary Funds!!
The theme for the 2014 CANE Summer Institute has been announced! Registration is forthcoming!
The Annual Meeting registration and program is coming soon! Keep your eyes on CANE’s website for details!
Don’t forget! The National Latin Survey’s deadline has been extended until January 31! Please take it and get your students to do so as well! 🙂
- The Pioneer Valley Classical Association is holding its own Classics Day on Friday, Jan. 17th. See the Classics Day Website for more details.
- SALVI’s Rusticatio Latin July 2014 immersion weeks and pedagogy seminars are now open for registration. Sign up by Feb. 15th for a discount. See link for details. If a whole week is too much, you could sign up for their Biduum, Feb. 21-23.
- The Vergilian Society is holding its first annual Vergil translation contest for students in K-12. To register, sign up here by 18 February. The contest will be the week of 24-28 February.
- The Echoes of Egypt exhibition at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History ends January 4th.