The 2020 CANE Annual Meeting, July 2020

The plans for the virtual Annual Meeting, postponed from March, are nearly complete. The preliminary program is set (and I have posted the current draft at I have already given the membership some information about the meeting in my recent president’s letter, sent via email. Here are some further details.

The meeting will take place on July 13-17, 2020, and it will be held via Zoom. Participants will be able to register for the conference and join the various sessions as they wish.

Watch for details of the procedure.

CANE is extremely fortunate that Emma Vanderpool, who helped manage the recent virtual CAMWS meeting, is also able to manage the technical details for CANE. Thank you very much, Emma! We are enormously grateful.

I look forward to seeing you if only virtually, in July.

Preliminary registration is now live on caneweb. If you are going to attend, you will have to register, even though CANE is not charging a registration fee. Be sure to register as soon as you can!

John Higgins

CANE President, 2019-20

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