General advice on bellringers: (via @NEAToday)
Link to an article about differentiation in the Classics classroom (scroll down the page; link is to a pdf): (via @classicslibrary)
A dictionary of mythology (each letter links to a pdf): (via @classicslibrary)
Spoken Latin in Middletown, CT, USA on Nov 23 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Brewbakers. (via @KatyReddick)
A new dig will be taking place at Troy: (via @Nihil_Novi_Net)
The Golden Sponge Stick writing contest for students age 8 and up: @
“Snowboarding in the Circus Maximus? @” (via @CloacaMaxima2)
An article about the Etruscans: (via @Nihil_Novi_Net)