
Links for the Week of 27 January

The APA is offering monetary awards to teachers: http://apaclassics.org/index.php/apa_blog/apa_blog_entry/4021/ (via @rogueclassicist et al.)
CONVENTICULUM Bostoniense 2013 will run July 27-August 4th. See http://conventiculum.org for more details.
A new issue of Teaching Classical Languages is out: http://www.tcl.camws.org
A new edition of PRIMA is out: http://www.etclassics.org/pages/prima (via @etclassics)
360 degree image of Leptis Magna: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/02/ancient-libya/leptis-magna-gigapan (via @ahencyclopedia)
Pictures and recipe for Roman libum: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carolemage/sets/72157632598067611/ (via @carolemadge)
Roman pork and apples recipe and pictures: http://www.silkroadgourmet.com/ancient-roman-pork-with-apples/ (via @Nihil_Novi_Net and @rogueclassicist)
Roman air pollution (via @brevkin)
In Our Time episode about Romulus and Remus: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01q02t7 (via @ancientblogger and @jntribolo )
Nero’s changing profile: http://hehasawifeyouknow.tumblr.com/post/41042171125/a-general-progression-of-neros-portraiture-on (via @ancientblogger)
Roman armor found at Caerleon dig: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-11288684 (via @ManchurianDevil)
Roman soldiers of African descent at Hadrian’s Wall: http://www.blackpast.org/?q=gah/africans-hadrians-wall (via @HistoryNeedsYou)