30 March Announcements
- The theme for the 2014 CANE Summer Institute is “On the Shoulders of Giants”: Greco-Roman Giants and their Modern Emulators.” Register now!
- The CANE calendar is available from Amazon with free super saver
shipping: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1934971340 It starts in
September of 2014.
- ”The spring meeting of CAM has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 3, 2014 and will be held at Westwood High School (200 Nahatan St, Westwood, MA). The theme of the meeting will be “All Things Augustus” — appropriate for the year in which we celebrate (sive commemorate) the 2000th anniversary of his death.”
- CLIPEUS is running several Latin speaking meetups in Boston. Check the link for more information.
Summer Opportunities
- Registration for this summer’s American Classical League Summer Institute in Williamsburg, VA is now open.
- SALVI’s Rusticatio Latin July 2014 immersion weeks and pedagogy seminars are filling up fast. Act now if you’re interested in attending!
- McGill is offering a summer course in Classical Studies in June and July. Check out their flyer.
- The American Institute for Roman Culture (AIRC) has a 2014 schedule for its Summer and Fall study abroad programs, and include Media Studies, Art History, and Field School Excavations.
- ”Do you have a passion for Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Latin? Would you like to improve the speed and fluency with which you read Latin? Then join the immersion program at the Conventiculum Bostoniense, taught by experts in Classical and Neo-Latin from both Europe and the United States. You can also earn graduate credit, by taking one of our two week-length courses. Find more information and application materials here:https://sites.google.com/site/conventiculumbostoniense”
- Latin Instructor: Hopkins School, an independent, college-preparatory day school in New Haven, is seeking a part-time Latin instructor for the grade 7 introductory course. Instructor would work in close collaboration with other teachers of the same course, using Ecce Romani, 4th edition. Qualifications: A BA, grades 7-12 teaching experience and excellent Latin language skills are strongly preferred. Post-
secondary teaching experience will be considered. Master’s For more information about Hopkins School, please visit our website www.hopkins.edu. If you would like to apply for this position, please contact: 203.397.1001 x118 or academicopening@hopkins.edu