
What's in your teaching bag? -Lydia- (Semester 2 Update)

So, partway through the second trimester, I’ve slightly changed the things in my metaphorical teaching bag. The stamp is still providing yeoman service. Quis has been joined by Hunter (the orange “imperfect” sheep), Squi (the squishy owl), and Cobry (the cobra). I’ve switched to using Attendance2 on the iPad instead of the index cards. The Latin Mallet came in handy for an breaking an instant ice pack to make it get cold earlier this week, as well as keeping time while we chant. A student got me a replacement silent pencil sharpener as a present after the first one broke.

What's In Your Teaching Bag–Emily–Semester 2 Update

For those of you recently joining us, around the beginning of the year, Lydia and I posted what was in our teaching bags. My version of that post is here.
As second quarter begins, a few things have been added to my teaching bag: Canis Maior and Canis Minor have joined their friends Bubo and the Golden snitch ball. We now use them to practice adjective of all degrees, as well as make up little stories…and we still toss them around the room!
Alesia the iPad is still with me, and spends much more time hooked up to the projector as we work to get our heads out of our desks and our books, and looking around the room more. I’ll talk about how I use Alesia and the posters I have around my room in a future post (probably April).
The Pencil Case, Moleskine notebooks, Class Folders, Popsicle sticks, and teaching binder are still with me, and still serving their purposes.
I have added Story Cubes, which I will talk about in detail in my March post. These are amazing for getting students writing, thinking, and creating stories!
I have also added CARDTamen to my bag, as we get going on seriously pulling our language, history, mythology, and culture together. I’ll write more about CARDtamen in my April post!
Do the objects in YOUR teaching bag change? Do you add things? Subtract things? Change the uses of previously added objects? Please share! We are all, I’m sure, looking for more ideas!

What's in Your Teaching Bag?–Emily

Greetings once again!
I wish I had a picture of my crazy bag, sadly, I do not. My owl-printed bag remained at school for the evening.
So: Emily’s Teaching Bag.
Bubo the Owl: Like Lydia, I also have an owl who can serve many purposes. She has been a fantastic direct object, and a great toss-ball. (When we practice a grammar point, I throw Bubo around the room and ask for specific pieces of grammar.)
The Golden Snitch Ball: Another great toss-ball. The students love them both. Gives a very Hogwarts feel to the classroom.
My iPad and relevant power cords/connectors: My iPad has been appropriately named Alesia by my students. (Why Alesia? I don’t know either.) Alesia the iPad is full of Latin apps and other fun educational tools for my classroom. Often, it is used when I need to project a text on the board. I use the app Evernote to make notes about how class went and keep a teaching notebook.
Pencil Case: 2 Purple Pens (for grading and writing passes), 2 blue pens (for other notes), USB flashdrive, 1 pad of yellow post-its, and 1 pad of purple post-its.
Moleskine notebooks: I have 2–1 small and 1 large. The small one is used for Latin Club business, while the large one is used for teaching and school-related notes.
Class folders: I have color-coordinated folders for each class, in which I keep work to be graded and returned. On the front of each folder, I keep a post-it note of who needs to turn in the assignment/take the quiz.
Color-coordinated Popsicle sticks: Like Lydia, each Popsicle stick has a student’s name. I shuffle them up to call on students, put them out to show where new seats are, and all sorts of other thing. Each class is held together with a rubber-band of the same color.
Teaching Binder: My purple binder with attendance lists and paper version of my gradebook.
Hey, what’s in YOUR teaching bag?