Scholarships and Awards
CANE offers many scholarships, grants, and awards.
*Nota Bene: Funds for any scholarships, grants, or awards must be cashed within the fiscal year in which they are received. Fiscal years run from July 1 through to the following June 30.

CANE Student Writing Contest
The CANE Writing Contest is an annual event open to students taking Latin, Greek, or Classics in middle and high schools in or outside of New England. Prizes are awarded to top contenders on the state and regional level. Those students outside of New England are judged in their own region.
Teacher Submission Deadline: December 15. Please send submissions to your state representative for CANE.
- 2024: Matthew Snodgrass, Pinkerton Academy, NH
- 2023: Luna Lucia Ferrusi Lawton, Springfield Honors Academy, MA
- 2022: Mia Schenenga, East Greenwich High School, RI
- 2021: Aidan Scully, Taunton High School, MA
Teaching Awards
Martha and Matthew Wiencke Teaching Award
The Martha and Matthew Wiencke Award recognizes excellence in teaching in the primary, middle, and secondary school levels. A nominee must be a member of CANE, currently teaching Classics in a New England school, and nominated by a professional colleague.
Nomination Deadline: December 31. Please send nominations to:
- 2021: Matthew Katsenas
The Barlow-Beach Distinguished Service Award
The Barlow-Beach Award is awarded to individuals who are notable for their distinguished service to CANE and to the Classics in New England.
Nomination Deadline: December 15. Please send nominations (no self-nominations, please) to:
- 2024: Kurt Raaflaub, posthumous award
- 2023: Geoffrey Sumi
- 2022: Diane Anderson
- 2021: Mark Pearsall
- 2020: Elizabeth Keitel
- 2019: Sean Smith
- 2018: Jeri DeBrohun
- 2017: Kenneth S. Rothwell, Jr.
- 2016: John Higgins
See Wikipedia article for full list.
Educational Grants for Teachers
Educational Grants up to $500 are available to classroom teachers for class projects, research, and classroom materials, or to support educational programs that promote the study of Classical languages and history.
Application Deadline: Rolling applications.
Travel Grants
The Thomas and Eleanor Means Fund
The Means Fund is awarded for educational travel by middle or secondary students to the sites of the ancient Mediterranean as part of a program created by a classics teacher.
Application Deadline: December 1
Decision Date: January 7
The Alison Barker Travel Scholarship
The Barker Scholarship is awarded for travel to an undergraduate who is participating in a study program organized by a Classics department or Classical Studies program.
Application Deadline: December 1
Decision Date: February 15
The Cornelia Catlin Coulter Scholarship
The Cornelia Catlin Coulter Memorial Rome Scholarship is awarded to a teacher of ancient languages or to a graduate student in programs relevant to the Ancient Mediterranean for study at the Summer Session of the School of Classical Studies at the American Academy in Rome.
Application Deadline: January 15
Decision Date: February 15
The CANE Endowment Scholarship
The CANE Endowment Scholarship is awarded to a teacher of ancient languages or to a graduate student in programs relevant to the Ancient Mediterranean for summer study at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, or at places other than the American Academy in Rome.
Application Deadline: January 15
Decision Date: February 15
The Renata Poggioli Award
The Renata Poggioli Award is awarded to an instructor at the secondary or college level for travel to Italy and/or Greece during the summer months. It is available only during even years.
Application Deadline: January 15
Decision Date: TBD
Study and Research Grants
The Helen Maria Chesnutt Scholarship for Equity in Classical Study
The Helen Maria Chesnutt Scholarship is intended to support undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups to further their study of the Classics and Ancient Mediterranean world, broadly conceived both in geographic limits and time-frame, and not excluding reception-studies, which brings the temporal span of the studied period down to the present day. This award may be used for research, study, travel, or for other plans relevant to study of the Ancient Mediterranean.
Application Deadline: January 15
Decision Date: February 1
The CANE Certification Scholarship
The CANE Certification Scholarship is an award of up to $1000 for an undergraduate in New England seeking secondary-school certification in Latin or Greek.
Application Deadline: February 1
Decision Date: March 1
Teacher Enrichment Scholarship
The Teacher Enrichment Scholarship is an award of up to $1,500 for tuition reimbursement for current or retired teachers who are members of CANE to enroll in a Classics course for personal enrichment.
Application Deadline: February 1
Decision Date: TBD
Phyllis B. Katz Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Research
The Phyllis B. Katz Prize is awarded to an undergraduate student of Classics in support of his or her research endeavors. The winner reads their paper at the Annual Meeting of CANE.
Nomination Deadline: February 15
Decision Date: TBD
The Finnegan-Plante Scholarship
The Finnegan-Plante Scholarship is awarded to first time attendees of CANE’s Annual Meeting whose schools do not cover the cost.
Application Deadline: February 15, with rolling acceptances for unused funds until March 1