Easy Readers, Latin Podcasts, Teaching History: Links 30 June

Here are some interesting things we’ve seen this week!

  • The Wall Street Journal examines the active Latin movement in the United States.
  • Quomodo Dicitur is a new, weekly podcast delivered in Latin.  Also available on iTunes.
  • Lots of new, easy Latin readers are being published this year (Brandon Brown canem vult, Cloelia – Puella Romana, Pluto – Fabula Amoris, and more).  Martina Bex has some suggestions on how you can use them in class.
  • David Moss from the Harvard Business School is making waves in his approach to teaching history.

More from the CANE blog

Thursday Resource: Classical Commentary DIY

Dickinson College posts a wonderful tutorial on preparing a commentary for a text: http://blogs.dickinson.edu/dcc/2013/01/21/classical-commentary-diy/ (You can also use NoDictionaries.com to generate the list of words

Pink Floyd, amulets, and x-rays: Links for January 22

pic.twitter.com/jduwe4PpYI — rogueclassicist (@rogueclassicist) January 20, 2015 Ancient amulet found with palindrome inscription. Studying foreign languages may help earn you a coding job. Pink Floyd

Teaching Scansion

Strategy One: “quick and dirty” rules Example: a) last 5 syllables marked off submissoque humiles intrarunt vērtĭcĕ pōstēs b) remove ue and h, as they