Graffiti, Maps, PIE, and more: Links for October 3

What can we learn from Roman graffiti? The more themes change, the more they stay the same.
The Legacy of Greco-Roman Mapmaking. This isn’t your kid’s GPS.
A linguist at University of Kentucky recreates Proto-Indo-European (with audio!) Who knew sheep and horses could be so riveting?
An interesting look at how 4th century Chinese viewed the Romans.
New views on the story of Masada. Experts claim it has elements of myth.

More from the CANE blog

Links for December 13th

Some Saturnalia miscellany… … and some seasonal tunes. Neat manuscript illustrations of ancient war-machines. A travel project pertaining to the voyage of Aeneas.

Classroom Posters!

Like many teachers, I am always looking for ways to make my classroom look nice and educational at the same time. I have always loved