Hannibal, concrete, and Doctor Who: Links for April 14

Nunzio Sisto is looking for backers for his graphic reference novel of the Aeneid.
Law students in Britain are adding Roman law to their studies.
Microbiologists may have uncovered Hannibal’s route across the Alps?!
Latin is everywhere, including Doctor Who.
What Can-Do statements are and are not.
Ancient Rome’s 1% hijacked the beach areas.
NPR does a piece about Roman concrete.

More from the CANE blog

Links for 27 June

You can follow all the exciting ACL happenings this week on Twitter via the #ACLLXVI hashtag. An article from the Spectator which discusses the value

Links for the Week of 17 February

Summer Opportunities Call for applicants for archaeological opportunities near Vesuvius: http://www.apollineproject.org/dig.html Study Greek or the Ancient World in Athens: http://www.norwinst.gr/uk/greek-studies-on-site-summer-2013.html (via @Horatiana) AIRC Field School: