Music, Medieval Monsters, Marble, and Manes: Links 12 March

Interested in the history of music?  Check out the Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum!

Take a look at these amazing sculptures inspired by the monsters on Medieval maps.

A great series of posters illustrating various logical fallacies.

A computer model of Rome in quo rogatur an reapse marmoream reliquerit Augustus, quam latericiam acceperat.

Probably not THAT Boudicca…but a rare intact Roman tombstone was recently found in Britain.

More from the CANE blog

Links for 25 July

Participate in the National Latin Survey. Roman fingerprints found in 2,000 year old cosmetics. A free MOOC on paleography through the University of London. Crocodile

Gratiae dandae

As an educator, I am thankful for… Students, without whom my job would be meaningless. To witness the thought process of students hard at work