Links for March 24: Riddles, Games, Song and Dance

Here’s a  medieval Latin riddle:  In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.  It is also a palindrome.  The answer to the riddle (what is described therein) may be found and explained here, along with many other links to games and fun stuff.
For more fun with spoken Latin….try these phrases!
In the Spirit of Holy Week, below, Father Reginald Foster extols an ancient number.  If you enjoy this, you may listen to many older gems (somewhat religious) from the Vatican Radio Broadcast: The Latin Lover and be entertained simul atque educated.

Ecclesiastical terminology for the devoted.
Why shouldn’t we Passover Easter?…on the origin of the holiday, and whether or not there was a pagan precedent.
British traditions and customs during Holy Week (not too much ancient here, but interesting to an Anglophile.)
A new ritual which began during Holy Week: Jesus as the Lord of the Dance.
***Getting your Greek back***
Finally, unattested here, but intriguing:  Video games!

More from the CANE blog

Links for the week of 30 September

A new Latin dictionary: (via @twostraws) NCLG Book Grant Application: @ (via @etclassics) Fundraising for a movie about the Roman army with “authentic gear:”