Links for the Week of 21 October

The #LatinTweetUp will be happening on 10/25 (via @AIRomanCulture).
Shelly McCormick-Lane has collected a list of scholarships for Latin students:
A new Roman catacomb has been discovered by people following a cat: (via @guardian)
Paul Hudson (@twostraws) has two new Latin iOS apps (links are to the App Store): Latin Pairs and Latin Scramble. Teachers can get free copies by e-mailing
A detailed, interactive map of the Roman Empire: (via @markhilverda)
“The Aeneid: The Animated Short:” (via @etclassics)
An article about the Antikythera shipwreck: (via @michaelmuseums)
Roman broken bone setting:
An analysis of the filming of the Widow of Ephesus scene in Fellini’s Satyricon:

More from the CANE blog

Foreign Language Tools

I’m having a bit of writer’s block, and it is the middle of the summer, so I will leave you with a small list of

Links for 9 May

Vote for Deciphering Ancient Texts in the Digital Age to be produced as a MOOC. (via @ThomasKoentges) Map of Ancient Rome superimposed on a Google

Links for 9 April

Here are some of the interesting things we’ve found this week! Diary of a Wimpy Kid is getting its own Latin translation, available in the US