Links for the Week of 23 December

After this post, we’ll be taking a break until after the start of the New Year.
@ProfChristensen has started a tumblr showing Latin found in the wild: (via @ProfChristensen)
A timeline of Roman emperors and other major figures with images from coins and brief biographies: (Check out the changing profile of Nero!) (via @portableant)
Gregory Nagy’s course on the Ancient Greek Hero available online: (via @HellenicStudies)

More from the CANE blog

Links for the Week of 7 April

Ancient Roman Curse Ring found!  Hey, was it the inspiration for Tolkien?! Mapping Mythology–An amazing project by @jaredsimard, which shows off Mythology in art and

International Idol 2014

I have written about International Idol before. It is a yearly event that our language department puts on in which students sing and perform in

A Letter from Latin Summer Camp

Collegis peramantibus Linguae Latinae Stephanus SPD! I hope that you are returning to your academic responsibilities well rested and refreshed, in part from some time