Links for the Week of 25 August

Virgil Out Loud, a free app with readings of the Aeneid, is now available. (via Emil Penarubia)
Roman nanotechnology? (via Ruth Breindel)
“Text & Textile: An Introduction to Wool-Working for Readers of Greek and Latin” is now available on YouTube: (via @lizgloyn)
A timeline of Greek and Roman myth (via @DCComm)
The Tin Latin Reader (via @diyclassics)
The Getty is releasing images into the public domain. (via @DCComm)
A clear article about the alternate date for the eruption of Vesuvius. (via @carolemadge)

More from the CANE blog

Exploring Ancient Rome with eToga Trek

This past school year, Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute introduced a new program, eToga Trek, whose goal was to share Latin and Ancient Rome with

Links for 4 July

An NPR book review about Alice Kober and the decipherment of Linear B. (via @cortsims) A piece in support of requiring English to Latin on

Teaching Latin to the Young

With young students, even more than with older students, you need to think about what your goals in teaching the class are. A Latin class