Links for the Week of 7 April

Ancient Roman Curse Ring found!  Hey, was it the inspiration for Tolkien?!
Mapping Mythology–An amazing project by @jaredsimard, which shows off Mythology in art and on buildings around NYC and other world cities!
ORBIS, Pleiades, Pelagrios, AWMC— awesome Ancient World Mapping tools
RomeLab–Take a run around the City of Ancient Rome

More from the CANE blog

Links for the Week of 21 April

We have a bevy of introspective blog links this week. Liz Gloyn ponders the importance of bibliometrics for Classicists. Llewelyn Morgan examines the “us vs.

Links for 20 June

A study of Roman concrete is in the news, and it explains why the ancient stuff is better than what we use today. The tech

Links for the Week of 21 October

The #LatinTweetUp will be happening on 10/25 (via @AIRomanCulture). Shelly McCormick-Lane has collected a list of scholarships for Latin students: A new Roman catacomb