Maps, Mycenaeans, and Menstruation: Links for September 3

There’s a new map tool that allows you to visualize where and how many Latin authors were in the ancient world.
New Mycenaean palace uncovered in Greece.
Diseasing the Female.” An Eidolon piece about ancient and modern conceptions of female impurity and menstruation.
Socrates and Taylor Swift have a Conversation.

More from the CANE blog

More Coins – Links for 7 May

In honor of my Feature Post this week on Roman coins, I present to you a veritable treasure of links that you may find interesting!

Some Links for July 23rd

A brief article on how the “Olympic ideal” has never really been upheld. Italy seeks Chinese funding to maintain its ancient monuments. Yet another article on

Links for the Week of 21 October

The #LatinTweetUp will be happening on 10/25 (via @AIRomanCulture). Shelly McCormick-Lane has collected a list of scholarships for Latin students: A new Roman catacomb