Odyssey on Twitter, Caesar in movies, and Roman lead: 27 March Links

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Meet Your Classics-in-Curricula Coordinator

Today’s feature article is brought to you by Scott Smith, the new Classics-in-Curricula Coordinator for CANE. Salvete, members of CANE! Allow me to introduce myself.

Links for April 2nd

Food-truck owners in Philadelphia experiment with Roman cooking. Scenes of Syrian forces rolling back into what is left of Palmyra. Ancient Greek sculptures (and Jesus?)

Coloring Books, Games, and Nugae: Links 11 Feb. 2016

e more nostro sunt quaerendi situs interretiales ut scintillas quasdam, quippe quae nostrum intersint et speremus vestrum quoque interfore, accurate vobis conferamus.  inter haec sunt…  liber coloribus