Links for the Week of 10 March

Call for Papers

The Digital Classics Association has sent out a call for papers for their panel at the 2014 APA Conference. Deadline is 29 March 2013.


Article by Mary Beard on Pompeii with an interactive map. (via @wmarybeard)
Free e-book on Pompeii from the British Museum. (via @cortsims and Emil Penarubia)


Secrets of Ancient Greek gastronomy.
(via @SarahEBond)
Review of a recipe from Pass the Garum, with a picture of a Roman soldier in full kit eating it. (via @ancientblogger)
Recipe for Roman bread. (via @ClassicsAlberta)

Petitions and Fundraising

Petition to save the Gladiator tomb. (via @SaveRome)
Raising money for Doctors without Borders and Combat Stress by walking Hadrian’s Wall. (via @BenKaneAuthor)

Reasons to study Classics

Essay on studying Classics. (via @rogueclassicist)
APA blog post on reasons to study non-STEM subjects. (via @apaclassics)

Summer Opportunities

“Living Latin, Living History,”an immersion spoken Latin course in Rome that runs from 12 June to 1 July. (via @apaclassics)


Map of Roman trade routes. (via @ancientblogger)
Map of marble quarries near Rome (link is to a Twitter-hosted image.) (via @SarahEBond)
The seven hills of Rome, with Google street views.(via @italofileblog)
Silk road route map.(via @ancientblogger)


Roman army camp in Germany. (via @quinnkl)
Temple to Jupiter Stator may have been found. (via @DrKillgrove)
Pictures of excavations under St. Peter’s in Rome during the 1950s.(via @ByzCapp)

Roman Women

Primary source texts about Roman women.(via @DCComm)
A list of interesting Roman women. (via @tronchin)


This post from Latin for Addicts talks about Latin words from Proto Indo European.


A summary of information on the missing Ninth Legion. (via @carolemadge)

Book Review

Review of Mary Beard’s new book. (via @TelegraphBooks)


Recordings of mythological stories. (via @classicslibrary)
(edited to fix a typo)

More from the CANE blog

Meet Your Classics-in-Curricula Coordinator

Today’s feature article is brought to you by Scott Smith, the new Classics-in-Curricula Coordinator for CANE. Salvete, members of CANE! Allow me to introduce myself.

Report of the CANE representative to NECTFL

Report of the CANE Representative to the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages by Dr. Madelyn G. Torchin, Tufts University, Program Supervisor, Classics