Word roots, rock operas, and zombies: Links for October 30

Psyche: a Rock Opera is having its world premier in LA.
Inventive gifs displaying Latin and Greek word roots.
A new translation of Marcus Sidonius Falx’s “Roman Guide to Slave Management.”
The Magistrula website (great resource! see my post on it here) has a new NLE Zombie game.
An interesting and beautiful language tree, but where’s Latin?

More from the CANE blog

Links for May 28th

Has the tomb of Aristotle been located? A comparison of mourning in ancient Greece with that which we express via social media. The Latin oration

A Response to Mary Beard

I wanted to write a response to Mary Beard’s August 11th “A Don’s Life,” entitled “What does the Latin actually say?” because I think it

Links for June 25th

Why are rabbits in medieval manuscripts so violent? An evaluation of a few of Rome’s “bad” emperors. On Cicero and the Brexit. Some suggestions on