Monuments, Women, Food….Links for 9 January 2014

Wait, is Stonehenge one gigantic Musical Instrument?!
Take a look at Rome through the eyes of a young girl.
Soooo…what did Pompeiians eat, anyway?
Check out the Top Ten Roman Forts in Britain!

More from the CANE blog

Links for May 30th

A couple of interesting stories… Will Latin programs in France be cut by plans to reform the nation’s school system? The amazing complexity of Damascus

Links for June 12

Lots of Links! Medieval bilingual picture book with animals and their sounds. Quaestio manet: quid dicit vulpes? #latinteach — Magister Revkin (@brevkin) May 17,

What's still in our teaching bags.

Lydia’s Bag Here’s the list of what I was using at the start of the year. Color-coded folders I’m still using the folders to keep